July 24, 2021

Move to Ukarumpa

This week we finally made it: We have arrived in Ukarumpa, our new home for 1 year. After having packed for several weeks, we loaded up our Cara-van (aka moving van) and flew, with a 4-day layover in Mt Hagen, Eastbound past Goroka to Ukarumpa in the Eastern Highlands. Here Niklas will visit 3 years of High School and hopefully Joelle will join him next year. 

We now stay in a ex MAF hostel (boarding home) with 11 rooms looking after our kids and a friend's teenager, hoping that the newly hired dorm parents will arrive Q2 2022 so that we can move on.

Steven giving Lucien a briefing

Moving with a plane: Cara-van

Fully loaded cabin


Bischoffs and Sachh in front of the hostel