September 20, 2014

Marawaka Celebrations

"PNG just celebrated its 39th anniversary of Independence all over the country. But for the people in the remote Marawaka Valley the celebrations held a little earlier this year meant much more to them. The opening of different building projects and the donations for more life changing facilities really have a greater impact on their day to day life."

Here the full story released by MAF PNG:

Click here to read the story as PDF

MAF Twin Otter taking-off from a bush strip

September 16, 2014

Helping others to achieve their mission

"In the lowland jungle in Rumginae it gets hot early in the morning, and it is hard to drink enough water to keep refreshed. However, we can just take a bottle of filtered water out of the fridge. It’s something we take for granted. But what about remote communities in the jungle?"

Here the full story released by MAF PNG:

Click here to read the story as PDF

Watertanks collecting rainwater in Rumginae