March 18, 2019

A Holiday to Remember

It is always encouraging to welcome visitors from Switzerland. We have realised that it is hard for most people to really understand how life in Papua New Guinea is, despite our efforts to explain. Once somebody actually sets foot on PNG soil, things are quite different than they imagined – but suddenly it all makes sense.
Because of that, we were pleased to have Madeleine's mother and her two sisters visit at the beginning of February. So, they had the chance to experience first hand what it means to live in Telefomin. And our kids had the chance to see their grandmother, aunts, and godparents in person. Obviously, we used this unique opportunity to do some special things, and then added some holidays at the sea.
Following some pictures:

Hiking in Telefomin
Training to become a selfie pro
Moser sisters with our local guide
Jungle as far as you can see
Destination: Wara Sol
Well earned rest
... and back through the jungle again
Travelling is easier this way: flying to Wewak
Wewak: view from our holiday home
Wewak town black
Waiting for the big wave
Holiday treat: coffee smoothy
Wewak Boutique Hotel: soaking in the pool
Travelling in the 9-seater pickup
Reading, reading, reading, ...
Relaxation pur
On the way back home: transfer in Tari