April 21, 2015

What happened lately...

These last months have been filled with lots of different things in regards to my flying duties. For one there was the training of Corné Noordhoek, a new pilot to PNG and an ex-student of mine at Prairie School of Mission Aviation. After a little hick-up with receiving a PNG license, he and I had a few days of training together in Mt Hagen. After that Corné came down to Rumginae and we did some flying in the flat lands of the Western Province.
For another I did some "regular" flying, which included bringing several persons to Dahamo for the dedication of a New Testament in Dahamo's local language, translated by SIL. Also I had the mandatory holiday medevac on Good Friday, with no less than three patients. One lady with a tubal pregnancy had to had emergency surgery only the day after she came to the hospital in Rumginae. The other two men had both wounds from a spear and a knife.

Corné and Markus during a fun flight

Corné on short final to Wawoi Falls, trying hard not to look

SIL translators and church delegate
attending the New Testament dedication in Dahamo

A full plane load of patients