November 20, 2020

Our time in Switzerland

Our time in Switzerland has been both busy and relaxing. We held several talks at churches and other groups, met with supporters and spent time with family. As we did before, we also tried to show our children what and who Switzerland is. So, we visited castles (history), a chocolate factory (trade), walked through the alleys of Bern and traveled to several picturesque places (geography). Below a few impressions.

Our temporary home in the heart of Ostermundigen

Homeschooling continues in Switzerland

A rest with a view - Aletsch glacier

Eating blueberries straight from the bush

The impressive eagle on the Simplonpass

Sunset in Sardinia

Madeleine and I enjoy Sardinia - just the two of us

View down the impressive Lauterbrunnental

Traffic education for our children

25 years ago we've been married in this church

Beinwil am See - Place of our wedding reception

Visit to Lenzburg Castle

First snow of the year - for us it has been 9 years