This week I was en tour for the first time with a MAF airplane. I didn’t fly myself, since I do not have a licence yet. But being a passenger was enough to start with. It was exciting to land at all those crazy airstrips at the craziest places out in the bush. It’s amazing to see to what length villagers went to build those strips at those locations. And it’s even more amazing if you realize that they didn’t have any excavators or even shovels to build them. All is done by hand and digging stick. It often takes years until such a strip is finished.
The region we were flying in had not received regular MAF service for a long time. Even though there are plenty of airstrips around. In fact, some of these strips were build and no plane ever landed. A lot of places have coffee to be flown out, but we just couldn’t take it all. So it is likely to rote and bring no income to the community and families won’t be able to pay school fees, etc.
You wonder why that is? Well, the answer is quite easy, almost too easy. There’s simply not enough pilots in PNG. For years the MAF programme in PNG has been short of at least 10 pilots. So bases had to be closed, the service restricted. And when I saw the people out in those villages, saw their needs and realised what MAF could do my heard ached. Therefore, I like to ask you to start praying for new pilots in PNG. A lot of them. I am convinced that God will provide if we only ask. Thank you.